After a romance is consummated, Isabela, Merrill and Fenris will receive a new outfit. The change is purely cosmetic. Isabela's and Fenris's outfits will change even if you break up with them immediately after sex, and they will not revert to their diferente outfits even if you romance someone else later (you may have to add Isabela to the party an… Read More

Both friendship and rivalry have rewards. Bonuses along the rivalry path are often combat related while those along the friendship path tend to benefit Hawke or the entire party.So far, we know at least a little bit about all of Rook's companions in The Veilguard from its trailers. For those of you who've done your homework by reading Tevinter Nigh… Read More

Harding has been seen a lot in Veilguard so far in various trailers and the gameplay reveal, making it clear she'll meet Rook very early in the plot and help introduce them to Minrathous and other companions.You will need at least 50% friendship or rivalry to unlock the necessary Questioning Beliefs quests for three of the four options, however.Pue… Read More

After fulfilling the required dialogue prompts and completing the required quests, companions' romance scenes will "queue," or become available the next time Hawke returns to their Rather than creating an unwieldy list of 30+ characters spanning the entire series thus far, we decided to break them up between games. If you missed it, we… Read More

There are four upgrades available for each companion. In the first two acts they are usually sold in stores, while all of the Act 3 upgrades are found during quests. Bethany and Carver receive the last three upgrades automatically with their armor changes after the Deep Roads Expedition.Alternatively, if at the end of the cut scene where you sleep … Read More